Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spring Cleaning - Blog Organizing and Changes

Ooooh, my 100th post! You all have been so much fun, thanks for allowing me to drone on and on about soapmaking...nobody understands this obsession more than you, and it's wonderful to have people to share the passion with!

You may have noticed that I’ve changed a few things around here. As this blog has grown, I've realized that I needed to find a way to make these older posts more accessible to me (and you!) Hopefully you will find that these changes will make it easier to navigate the blog.

I’ve created pages and categorized all of the previous posts by adding tabs under my banner. To make it easier to locate and browse all my past posts, I’ve created image galleries within those pages. You may have noticed that I also added a Pinterest mouseover button to my blog pictures to make pinning even easier. I’ve added some social media and contact buttons along the left sidebar, and I even learned how to center them! (If you click on the highlighted words, it will take you to all the tutorials that I used to learn how to do this) 

There’s a lot more to this blogging thing than just making soap! :D

Interesting Fact: Blogger uses Picasa to store your blog pictures; so if you sign into Picasa Web Albums with the same log-in you use for Blogger, you will see a gallery of all of your blog pictures (these are the images that you would use to make your image gallery)!

If you have a chance to try out the tabs, please let me know what you think...does it make things easier?

post signature

Link Of The Day (to the first blog post I ever made!):
Pineapple, Coconut & Oatmeal Soap


  1. Congratulations on 100! Wow, you only started blogging last year?!? You're amazing!

    I love the new look and how you have everything organized. One of these days, I'm going to have to go through all your posts from day one and ooh and aah over all the soaps you've made

    Thanks for sharing your tutorials, I got the Pinterest button on my blog now, thanks to you.

    1. Thanks Monica, I can't believe it's not quite been a year either...I think I need to slow down!

      I’m so glad you like the new format and I’m so thankful for the helpful tutorials that people post for the technically challenged people like me…I wouldn’t even attempt half of the things I have without them!

      I noticed you had the Pinterest button, and I used it too…lol!

  2. 100, congrats! It is truly amazing how much soap you can make in on year. I remember when I found your blog. I had to tell my husband that there is a soap maker from Canada that is so talented and makes beautiful HP soaps. The two soaps I remember best is the carrot soap and the white soap with sparkles

    I almost forgot to comment your new blog. I was so sentimental :)
    It sure is much easier to navigate especially if you are looking for a special soap or if you are just starting to read it.

    1. I have to admit I was a little sentimental too as I was pulling it all together! If I recall correctly, you were my 3rd official blog follower and I was so excited that someone from Finland found my little blog!

      I had honestly forgotten about the carrot buttermilk soap until I went back to organize the posts…and it also made me a little sad too because I realized that I made so much more HP soap in the beginning! I need to pull out my oven pots again, I think! ;)

      I’m so glad you like the new format too, thanks for your feedback Marika! :)

  3. Congratulations Cee! One hundred interesting post within one year is really outstanding! I wish you to continue in the same manner. Whit this new blog organization the overview off all soaps you made is easy and complete. You did grate job!

    1. Thank you Gordana for your nice wishes, and I'm so happy you like the new layout! :)

  4. Wow, 100! That is quite outstanding! I need to go through and read all the posts you made before I followed you, and the gallery system will make it much easier! Always a pleasure to see your soapy creations. :)

    1. Thanks Ashley, I'm so glad you're enjoying the blog and hope you will find it easier to use!

  5. Congrats on post number 100 and WOW! YES there is more to blogging than pics and soap making and YES your new blog looks fantabulous! Now I have to sit down and figure this thing out better've given me one more thing to aspire to - Better blog organizing!

    1. Thanks so much! I'd be happy to help if you have any questions; although, I'm definitely not a technie - I know just enough to get myself into!

  6. Is it already 100th? Oh, congrats,Cee! I remember when we met on a sopmaking forum this time last year and just afterwards, I discovered this blog and started to follow your work. I found a great source of inspiration and always been so happy to read your new posts.
    Your blog looks so neat now,I love how you organized things, it really helps with navigating.

    I haven't posted in a while on my own blog, so you might have not visited it lately, but I also made some changes. Have you noticed them? Yet,I think there are others things to be done there.
    I saw the other day pinterest icon on your pics,showing up when hover with a mouse and did a little research, found instructions and installed them :-). I also had created my pinterest account,which I didn't have before (that part you already know).
    Wish you many more posts and soaps to come....

    1. Thanks Maja, you've always been so sweet to me, and I really appreciate it! I remember when we met on the forum - you have come a long way since then in a short time too!

      I just went to your blog and it looks fabulous! I always notice a little something you have added or done each time I visit. It looks nice and bright, plenty of information but not cluttered, I love your new banner pic too - adorable!

      I'm so glad you are on Pinterest too, a huge source of inspiration there too!

  7. Congratulations on your 100th post, Cee!
    Your new blog look is neater, everything is well organized and easy to be found!
    Thanks for sharing your soap experiments, and thanks for your friendship and support :)

    1. Thanks Nat, I'm so glad you like the new format...I wish I had thought to do it sooner! Thank you too for your friendship and support, it means a lot to me also! :)

  8. Woohoo... 100post! Congratulation. Thank you for your sharing. I really admirer you guys can write a very good blog :)

  9. Congrats on your 100 posts! I like the tabs at the top..I clicked on them and everything is right there, so neat and organized! Thanks for linking to the tutorials too..I had problems in the past when creating pages. Maybe I'll try again one of these days. :)

    1. Thanks Kalla, I'm glad you like the tabs! It would have been much easier to create pages with just links rather than the image gallery, but I am a visual person and much preferred having the pics; which wasn't hard, just time consuming. Now that it's done though, it should be much easier to keep on top of!
