Saturday, June 1, 2013

Easy Soap Roses

So, I had some leftover 'frosting' from some soap cupcakes I was making and decided to practice my piping skills. This is a technique I've used before to cover cakes, and it's such an easy method but the end result looks very nice. Here is a quick Vine video to show you how I made them:

I originally learned this technique from I Am Baker, and she has an easy-to-follow tutorial on her website if you are interested in trying them yourself.

It's a super quick technique but effective, and as soon as these are firm enough I will find a way to use them on top of some soap :)

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  1. Very nice Cee! I am still getting the hang of piping. I tried the Vine App today but I could not figure out how to upload a video to my blog :(. I finally gave up on it.

    1. Thanks Roxana, I think your piping is fabulous...your cake turned out stunning! The only way I've been able to get the video on my blog is to first Tweet it, then I can get the link for the video. It's not ideal, but I haven't found a way around it yet. I'd be happy to help in any way if I can!

  2. Oh how lovely Cee! You make it look so easy! I am so terrible at piping. :(

    1. Aw, thanks Laura. I've seen your piping before, you do a lovely job...your wreaths were some of my favorites!

  3. So beautiful,Cee! Looks so easy, but I'm kind of mesy person, no matter how skillful I could ever be, something unplanned always emerges,lol! I should try it, though! And lady, you have professional equipment there,I see!
    Thanks for recording and sharing!

    1. Lol, surely by professional you can't mean the Ziploc (freezer) bags I use for my soap frosting?! It does take a lot of practice, but I promise these are actually fairly easy...just a matter of learning to squeeze and release at the right times! (PS - I actually keep 2 sets of my favorite frosting tips on hand; one set for cakes and one set for soap!)

  4. Wow!!! Really, really beautyfull. It looks sooo easy...

  5. Cute roses, Cee Gee! Thanks for sharing your technique. You make it look so easy!

    1. Thanks Jenny, it really is quite simple...these look really nice on top of cupcakes too :)

  6. Can you come and frost all my cakes for me? I always leave them plain because there's no way I'd ever be able to make beautiful flowers like that. Actually I can't even do the nice "swooshes" for frosting a cake, let alone something like a flower. But you do make it look oh so simple.

    1. “Actually I can't even do the nice "swooshes" for frosting a cake” - that visual made me giggle Monica! This really is quite simple, quick and easy if you have the right tip and a bit of practice!

  7. Very make it look sooo easy! Can't wait to see how you use the roses on your soaps. I'm sure they'll be beautiful!

  8. It looks so easy when I look how you do it! I so hesitate to try piping but you really inspired me!

    1. Thanks Gordana, it really is quite quick and simple and only takes a bit of practice :)

  9. Lovely roses! I think it is so hard and messy to pipe. I should practice more or at least try with real frosting.

    1. Thanks Marika :) Do you guys have Cool Whip (whipped topping) or something similar in Finland? It's also a good consistency for piping practice :)

    2. Don´t know, but I could see if I could find something. I have not piped anything else than soap :D It is so hot in Finland that I have no inspiration right now. It has been over 20 C warmer than normal in northern Finland and even warmer here in the south.

    3. Oh, that is too hot! :( I hope it cools down for you guys!

  10. Super great use of the Vine Video, it really helps to show exactly how you created those super cute soap roses. =)

  11. WOW perfect little roses and easy to make!
    I first thought, you had used a rose mold for these cute flowers!

    1. Thanks so much Vivien, I'm glad you liked them! =)

  12. Your roses turned out so nice! I use that technique to "frost" soap cupcakes, and to make little rose guest soaps. It always amazes me how real they can look!

    1. Thank you Ruth! What a great idea to use the roses as little guest soaps too!

  13. Thanks for the link, Cee! Your rose is gorgeous, I will have to try this technique, it seems so easy explained by you, Cee :)

    1. Thanks Natalia, it really is quite a simple technique!

  14. I want to learn how do do these!!!! I tlooks really easy, but I am sure it is not... Just getting the right texture for the soap (whipped soap, is it?) is a first achievement. Then the piping...
    Your are lovely!

    1. You could do these, they really are quite simple! :)

      I didn't use whipped soap, but you definitely could and it might even be easier for some. I just used regular CP and waited until my soap was thick like frosting and then piped with it. Thanks so much for the nice compliment! =)

  15. Replies
    1. Hi Dee, sorry I did not see this sooner! You can use either a large open or closed star tip for these :)
