Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sharing a Photo Tutorial

I wanted to share this helpful photo tutorial that I came across. Ashley from Little Miss Momma does an excellent job explaining how she takes photos for her blog. I actually use the exact same set-up, just a white poster board, natural light and a point-and-shoot camera. I use Photobucket to edit my pictures, but I’ll have to check out Picasa…I definitely need something super user-friendly! She has lots of great tricks and can check out her tutorial here: Little Miss Momma PhotoTutorial

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  1. Thanks for the link! That's how I take my pictures, too, and edit with picmonkey, but I can ALWAYS use more help! :)

  2. I had never heard of picmonkey...I peeked at it quickly and I really like what I see so far, thanks so much for the suggestion Amy!

  3. Thanks for the link! I have been trying to figure out how to take indoor shots and this will be very helpful!

    1. Hey Roxana, I haven't seen you around in a bit...nice to see you!

  4. Thanks for thelink, Cee.I take all my foto's only outside,so this post is more than helpful!

    1. My favorite is taking them outside too Natalia, so I struggle a bit with having to take them inside in the winter. I usually wait for a 'bright' day to take my indoor pictures, but I'm sure there must be a better way!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. There is a big room for improvement for me when it comes to photography. Thank you for sharing this link.

    1. You're welcome Gordana! I would love to learn a little more about the theory of photography, because then I think my picture-taking would be a lot more efficient!

  7. I have used several online editors and Picasa,as well,but it's not all about editing photo only,but it's the background what it counts. I asked you already how your photos always look so nice and bright and I think the white poster works great. Though,I like very much photos taken outside with appropriate scenography around. Sometimes,when I haven't set up background that I like,I do some photo repair to erase it.
    But,all ladies here take so gooood photos!

    1. Hi Maja, yes..I totally agree, the ladies here all take really great photos!! For sure the background is a huge consideration, and my preference is like yours, to take the pictures outside. Unfortunately in the winter here we have lots of darker and wet days, so I would love to find a way to take good indoor pics without being dependent on the natural light, but I'm still working on that. I would love to learn more about photo editing too, there have been times when I wanted to erase something and didn't know how! So much to learn! :D

    2. Having the balcony only (and that's not something you would like to have on your pictures), I never have a chance to take photos outside. That's why I rarely use natural light and almost all the time I need to add little extra exposure or light.
      I think all photo editors have an option called 'photo repair' where there is the 'clone' tool ,where you can make all background to look like any selected area on your photo,or you can use tool 'cut' where you just cut the surrounding you don't like.
      Tell me if you cannot find these options

    3. Hi Maja, sorry I missed this comment! I think the clone tool would be very helpful for me, I'll have to look for it, I'm sure Photobucket must have it. Thanks for your offer to help, I'll let you know if I have any troubles!

  8. Thanks for the link to the tute, I'm going to give it a whirl next time I get my camera out.

    I hope you don't mind but I've tagged you over at my blog. I was tagged and it looked like fun, I hope you'll join in too :)

    1. Hi Lilli, thanks so much for the tag, it was fun reading your answers! I'll try to respond later today ;)

  9. Good idea. I've been toying with the thought of building a lightbox, but for now, I'm taking advantage of the nicer weather and taking pictures while we still have daylight.

    1. I think it would be worth looking at a lightbox set-up for the winter too, we seem to be losing daylight too fast here lately :(

  10. I just found picmonkey the other day! I like that it's really simple. All those sliders and things on other programs scare me! I'm always worried that I'll screw it up somehow! But with the easy filter options... even I can do that! :)

    1. You're welcome Linda! Amy, I'm glad you said it's simple, that is definitely what I need! I'm looking foward to trying it out with my next set of pictures.
