Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Frosty's First Snowfall

I am so far behind in holiday preparations, it isn't even funny. Why does it seem like time speeds up once the calender turns over to December? I was able to squeeze in another Christmas soap though :)

By the way, did you know I'm also on Facebook? I sometimes post sneak peeks of what I'm working on over there, so if you head over and 'like' my Oil & Butter Facebook page, you'll get the quickest behind-the-scenes updates :)  Like this preview that I posted last night of the Frosty soaps in the mold:

This little soap was especially fun to make and really got me in the Christmas spirit and looking forward to the first snowfall (not too much snow though!). I found these little snowmen a while ago and was saving them until a soap design popped into my head for them. This is fragranced with Sleigh Ride and is a fairly simple soap, the base is just white, as you can see here:

I just poured an overlapping layer of blue mica soap and blue mica soap tinted with some black oxide for the darker sky.

Oh, and remember how I said in one of my earlier posts that I had successfully used beeswax to deter ash? Well, unfortunately it only ever worked the first time I used it and then never again. I've tried beeswax in 3 soaps, and it only worked in one of them. So, it looks like I will have to stick with rubbing alcohol to prevent ash. However, in this case, I think the ash works! It gives the soap an endearing frosty look:

And Maja, I bet you think I forgot about you...didn't you?! I finally got the swirly soap out of the mold today and took a cut picture of it especially for you =)  It's isn't super exciting because I only swirled the very top, but I like the soft wisps of color:

Hope everyone is having a good week, thanks for reading!

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  1. Your soaps looks like last Friday in Southern Finland. There was a snow blizzard and the sky was dark.
    The snowmen are cute and they look so happy :D

    1. A blizzard doesn't sound very pleasant :( Only for skiing :D

  2. Your soaps are so cute; I think that I start feeling Christmas mood myself!

    1. Thanks Goca! I'm glad they put you in the Christmas spirit!

  3. Super Christmas soap!!!
    Here in Germany it looks like this, we have snow already...

    1. Thanks Angela, we haven't had snow here yet, I'm looking forward to the first's always so quiet and peaceful!

  4. Wow, Cee, your soap suits the weather here in Belgium!!!
    Love your soap: a gorgeous winter scene!

    1. Thanks Natalia! Here, it's only snowing like this up on our ski mountain :D

  5. Hey Cee, this is the most adorable thematic soap I've seen! Every kid (equally as parents) would love to grab it! Open your shop,it's high time to do so!
    Swirly one is very charming,even without seeing its top. Simple,but not boring! What about you cut it into smaller pieces to look like some creamy cake with berries top?
    And just to report weather condition here (to join others)- no snow here and today seems not to be that cold.

    1. Thanks Maja, that's so sweet of you! I love your idea of a berry cake, that would suit this soap very well...maybe drizzle some soap over top? Yum! I tried to take a picture of the top and side together, but I couldn't take a decent picture of the top without the side blurring and I couldn't get a picture of the side without the top blurring...ahhhH! It usually has snowed here by now but nothing yet, maybe we will have a white Christmas this year!

  6. Oh my gosh those are the cutest snowmen soap I've ever seen. I agree with Diva Soap, you could totally open up a store and sell out everyday. I also love how your swirly top gives your cream coloured soap just the right splash of colour.

    1. Aw, thanks Monica...that is really sweet! I'm contemplating selling but haven't taken that leap yet...maybe in the new year!

  7. Ohohohhh...the snowman soap is soooo cute!!!!

  8. The soaps look so sweet.:-))Are those peppermints in the arms of the snowmen, and were they and the snowmen themselves handmade?

    Happy Holidays :-)

  9. Thanks Kinpira, happy holidays to you! Those are little peppermints, and the little snowmen are royal icing decorations =)

  10. Wow, what a sight! I really admire your patience in soapmaking. I would go out of my mind if trying to do such delicate little snowmen.
    I have yet to try beeswax in soap.

    1. I have to confess that I didn't make the snowmen, they are royal icing!

  11. The snowman soaps are adorable, Cee Gee! You are so creative and I admire your patience. I know what you mean about time speeding up once December rolls around. I have been out of town a lot lately and trying to get ready for the holidays. I've got so much to do before I go home next week, I'm wondering how I will get it all done. It's a shame to rush through the holidays, but that's how it goes sometimes. Hopefully I can relax next week. Have a happy holiday season!

    1. Thank you Jenny, and Happy Holidays to you and your family too! I hope things slow down for you to enjoy once you get home :)
