Monday, December 17, 2012

Red Currant and Thyme Tea

Wow, this soap set a speed record for me...from pouring to unmolding was 4 hours! I have no idea why it set up so fast, but I wish they all set up as nicely as this one! Here it is in the mold with a sparse sprinkling of cranberry seeds on top:

I really love this subtle fragrance, I definitely detect the tea first and then the berries. I believe it's a dupe of a Bath and Body Works fragrance, although I can't vouch for that as I haven't tried the original. It behaved very nicely and didn't accelerate. The orange was supposed to be a pale yellow, so I don't know if the fragrance discolored or if I overshot with the gold mica. One of my Facebook followers (hi Monica!) commented that it looks like sorbet, and that was my first thought too! Here it is cut:

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  1. Oh my, is that ever gorgeous! It has the perfect rainbow sherbet look, and the seeds are a nice touch. It sounds like a really nice scent, too!

  2. I love this pink! On pic that orange looks like pale yellow! Now,you made me want make some pink soap,it's so girly. Lovely soap,Cee!

    1. 4 hours?? I thought my 12 hours or so, is fast,but 4- never would assume that is possible. Fun chemistry!

    2. Thanks Miss Maja! I was so surprised too that it set up so fast. I did put it in the freezer to prevent gelling (which I usually do), and it was pulling away from the sides and dropped right out of the mold after 4 hours. I did wait a day to cut it though :)

  3. WOW what a beautiful, beautiful soap!
    I really like the topping with the soft waves and cranberry seeds on it!
    Creamy, fruity and pink -> perfect! ;)

  4. Nice job! :D I soap this fragrance too. It's lovely and doesn't discolour at all. I'm going to pay more attention to it after molding since you said it set up so fast. I tend to forget about them until at least the next day. Again, lovely job! :D

    1. Hi Tracy, thanks! It is a really nice fragrance, and I'm glad you mentioned that it doesn't discolor because I was wondering about that. It's weird, because it didn't accelerate when I was soaping it, but it sure set up fast! I did wait a day to cut it though.

  5. Wow! What for a gorgeous Soap!!!

  6. I really love the colors, and the top looks really lovely! Nice work!!

  7. Thank you Nat, Mini and Chrissy...I really appreciate your kind comments! :)

  8. This soap turned out really gorgeous. I like the top and especially how you photographed it!

  9. Gorgeous soap, Cee Gee! I love the colors and the tops are so pretty. Red Currant & Thyme sounds like such a great fragrance!

  10. Hi Cee! Now that it's cut, I really want to take a bite. ;)

    Are the cranberry seeds exfoliating, is that why you put them on? And did I mention how much I love it?

  11. I love it! It's very pretty! :)

  12. Thanks Jenny, Monica and Roxana! Monica, the cranberry seeds are exfoliating and I only wanted to add them for visual interest, so that is why I sprinkled only a few on top :)

  13. Love, Love, Love! The colors are so great!

  14. Cee Gee I am absolutely in love with the pastel colors on the top of this soap!!! As a matter of fact I am trying to create a soap with just the green, yellow, and pink colors today! Would you divulge which colors you used? If not I understand! But I am just smitten with these colors! ❤️

    1. Hi Mamabear! I wish I could remember back that far - and I really need to take better notes! I must have used gold mica for the yellow (because that's what it says above!), and I'm thinking I used green chromium oxide and pink mica or oxide for the pink. Hope that helps! :)
