Monday, September 24, 2012

Polar Bears :)

You guys, I am so excited….today, I received the most amazingly awesome package from a very talented soaper in Germany! Her soaps are just so stunning, and I can’t wait to share them with you! Once I get a chance to take some pictures, I will post them :D

Now, back to business! The little bears I teased you with earlier are, in fact, soap! 

I hope you’re not too disappointed Kirppu! Maybe I need to bake a real batch of cookies to make up for it?!  

I used a cookie cutter to cut the little polar bears out of HP soap; I find that cookie cutters work extremely well for cutting shapes out of hot process soap. I made the polar bears by pouring unscented HP soap into a slab mold, about 1/4-inch thick. Then I cut out the bear shapes with the cookie cutter once the HP had cooled down enough, about 1 hour. I used candy sprinkles for the eyes and nose. Below is a picture of how I made the bears, I used the opposite end of a paintbrush to indent a spot for the eyes and nose to make it easier to push in the sprinkles:

When I’m working with embeds, I like to line them up in the mold to see how they are going to fit into the mold and how many I will be able to get in; this step is especially important when working with a fast-setting soap such as HP:

I made a separate batch of hot process soap to embed the polar bears into. I left the bottom layer uncoloured and used ultramarine blue to color the top layer, the soap is fragranced with an icy/woodsy/sugary fragrance combination. Now that I look at them, I think they would make really cute little baby shower favors too! 

And....because I had so much fun doing the last giveaway, I thought it would be fun to do another one! Can you help me come up with a name for this soap? If I pick the name you suggested, I'll send you some soap! All I've come up with so far is Arctic Ice but I'm not crazy about it....I'd love your suggestions!

Updated to add a picture of the soapy prize, I've even included a cookie cutter so that you can make your own little bears =)

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  1. How cute Cee!

    Hmm, how about North Pole or Soapolar (ok that's bad but funny hehe!)!!

    1. Your suggestions are better than mine...ha ha! I had a complete mind block trying to come up with a fun name for this one!

  2. OMG those are the cutest soaps ever! They make me smile! Love them Cee! I think... "Arctic Bathtime" since it really looks like those bears are in little patches of water! Bear baths! =D

    1. Aw, thanks Heather...they were really fun and easy to make! I really like Arctic Bathtime, it totally suits the soap!

  3. They are so cute! I love how you use soap inserts in your bar :)
    I would say "Blue Peak-a-Boo" :) because they are just too cute!

    1. Thanks Roxana, I get a little carried away sometimes but it's fun :D I really like your name suggestion, Peak-a-Blue would be cute too! See, you guys are way better at this than me!

  4. One of the most beautiful HP soap I’ve ever seen! I would propose “Bubbly Bear”.

    1. Thank you so much :) Bubbly Bear is an adorable name too, this is going to be so hard to pick just one!

  5. Your Soap is so cute,i love the polar bears.
    just great:-))

    1. Thank you Kinpira, I really appreciate it =)

  6. Cute polar bears, Cee Gee! You are so creative. Hmm ... if this is a holiday soap, how about "Beary Christmas" for a name?

    1. Oh, that name would really suit the soap too, love it! Thanks for the suggestion Jenny!

  7. Once again,your soap came out wonderfully!
    And my admiration goes to this one even more,because it's HP soap. If you hadn't told,I would have believed it was a CP.
    My associations are really very similar to these above,so it's hard to be original.
    But,let me give a shut: 'Polar (Blue) Bear'! Or, 'Teddy On The Wave' ,or 'Polar Bear Bath' . Hmm, I could come up with some more....

    1. Thank you so much Maja, I really appreciate your nice comments! I love your suggestions too, especially Polar Bear Bath. Hmmm, this is going to be harder than I thought, everyone has suggested such great names!

    2. What about: Polar Indulgence? Hmm,sounds exactly how it looks!

    3. I really like that one too Maja, it's very elegant sounding =)

  8. those are so cute, Cee Gee! Is the scent more sweet than woodsy? "Beary Sweet" or "Polar Beary"..that's all I got, lol.

    1. I love those Kalla, cute suggestions! I would say it's more woodsy than sugary.

    2. Good thing I happened to scroll up, otherwise I would have missed the updated picture. Wow..that's an awesome prize, Cee Gee! Well darn, was hoping you'd say it was more sweet! ;)

    3. There's still a bit of time to suggest more ;)

  9. This is sooo hard :/ The only name I an come up with is "Polar Parade". It looks like the bears are marching in the first pic.

    And no, I´m not dissapointed, but I`m still waiting for some cookies ;)

    1. Aw, that's so cute too! They did remind me of little synchronized swimming polar bears all lined up in the! The cookies are coming, I promise :p

  10. I love these soaps! Super cute!! When I saw the pic, I immediately thought "Polar Plunge" , especially if the scent is kind of icy and brisk :)

    1. Thank you so much Chrissy! That exact name also crossed my mind too, great minds think alike ;) I really like it too! This is getting harder and harder, so many good names to consider! Keep them coming you guys, great job!

    2. Ooh, ooh - "Beary Clean" (or Bearly Clean", ha!)

    3. Oh my gosh, Beary Clean/Bearly Clean is soooo clever..ha ha! Good one Chrissy!

    4. Thanks! I've been looking through your blog, and you have so many creative soaps! I love reading your posts. Great work!

    5. Thanks Chrissy, I really appreciate it! =)

  11. OMG, the most generous giveaway EVER!
    So jelaous of the winner, who ever it'll be!

    1. I wish I could send one to each person! It's not much, but it's my little way of saying 'thank you', this blog just wouldn't be the same without everyone's continuous support and encouragement :)

  12. Beary Cold
    Beary Icy
    Beary Mint

    VERY (Beary?) cute soaps!

    1. Hi Amy, welcome!!! I love your name suggestions, all very is definitely a fresh/icy looking soap! Everyone's suggestions are so good! I think I'm going to enlist the help of an impartial 3rd party (my kiddos!) to pick a name...very soon! =D

  13. Please help. How can I get embeds to stick in the hp soap without it breaking loose where embed meets soap after cure. I am wanting to add a log embed to middle of a loaf during pour. Thank you

    1. Hi there! Sometimes embeds will fall out because they are different kinds of soap shrinking at different speeds. Are you embedding an HP log into HP soap? I would try putting your log embed in the freezer, and taking it out a little bit before you need it so that it develops moisture on the outside, which may help it stick to the surrounding soap. HP is a tricky one, you have to work fast because it cools so quick. Hope that helps, good luck!



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